
APRICOT are continental peach fruit. They belong to the family Rosaceae where there are still plums, almonds, peaches, sour cherries and cherries.
They grow as a bush or a low tree, from 4-10 metres high. The crust is mostly dark gray, and it can crack in the elderly. The flowers are white to gentle pink, they develop lonely or in pairs and often have the appearance of "seated" flowers.
The fruit of apricot reminiscent of a small peach. It is yellow to orange, sometimes red on the side exposed to the sun. Apricots are rich in vitamins A, C and beta-karoten.

Varieties are Roxanne, Madjarska najbolja, Keckemetska ruza, Novosadska 4, Novosadska 6.

APRICOT – Hand cut halves

Cardboard box: 4*2,5kg, 1*10 kg
